All fields marked * are required.
Full Company or Customer Name:
Is your trading name different to the name you entered above?YesNo
[group trading-group class:form-group] Trading Name [/group]
Company Type:Choose from the following...LtdLLPPartnershipSole TraderDIY domestic useCommunity Interest Company
[group ltd-group class:form-group] *Registration Number: [/group]
[group partnership-group class:form-group] Partnership Details: [/group]
[group sole-group class:form-group] Sole Trader Details: [/group]
*Address line 1: Address line 2: City/Town: County: *Post Code:
Is that address less than 3 years old?YesNo
[group address-group] Previous Address: [/group]
Years you have been established:
Business Sector:Boatbuilding / MarineCarpentryConstructionEducationFurnitureJoineryLandscapingLocal Authority / GovernmentPackagingShop FittingTimber / Builders MerchantTV / Film ProductionOther
[group sector-group class:form-group] Other (please specify) [/group]
Contact at Robbins Timber (rep):
Have you or your business ever had CCJs or been involved in insolvency action?YesNo
[group ccj-group] ExplanationPlease explain the nature of the CCJ or insolvency action... [/group]
Director Name:
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)://
Add another DirectorYesNo
[group director-2-group] Director Name:
[group director-3-group] Director Name:
Email: [/group]
Buyer Name:
Buyer Telephone:
Buyer Email:
Accounts Contact Name:
Accounts Contact Telephone:
Accounts Contact Email:
Bank Name:
Sort Code://
Account Number
Name of Account/Account Holder:
Trade Reference 1 Name:
Trade Reference 1 Telephone:
Trade Reference 1 Email:
Trade Reference 1 Credit Limit£
Trade Reference 2 Name:
Trade Reference 2 Telephone:
Trade Reference 2 Email:
Trade Reference 2 Credit Limit£
Initial Credit Limit required:£
Consent*By checking this Consent box you agree to the following: I/We understand and agree that purchases made from Robbins Timber are subject to Conditions of Sale, a copy of which is available hereI/We understand and agree that the settlement terms for this account are strictly net monthly.I/We authorise Robbins Ltd to approach our bank for a reference now or at any future time.I/We understand and agree that Robbins Ltd will exercise their statutory right to claim interest and compensation for debt recovery costs under the late payment legislation if they are not paid according to agreed credit terms and that the account will be closed until all monies owing have been paid.