Preservative Treatment
In addition to stocking a wide range of C24 Green Treated construction grade softwood, we also offer a preservative treatment service.
Green in colour, and for external timber uses, pressure treatment provides the best possible protection for your timber, using a combination of vacuum and high pressure impregnation.
The process uses Wolman Wolmanit CX-8, a liquid wood preservative based on copper and organic biocides. This preservative does not contain chromium or arsenic and has been used for more than 20 years across continental Europe and the UK.
Timber treated via this process can meet the full range of User Classes, including external and below ground.
Clear in colour and typically for joinery or other non ground contact uses, Double Vacuum treatment provides the best possible treatment for your timber, without the green colouring of pressure treatment, and with reduced effects of dimensional change from the treatment process.
The process uses Wolman Wolsit KD-20C, a highly effective solvent- and metal-free product. The unparalleled formulation of active ingredients with a long track record is resistant to leaching and provides long-lasting protection against wood-destroying fungi and insects. The wetting and dimensional problems often associated with water-based products have been virtually eliminated.
The timber can be used quickly after treatment and takes a paint or other finish well.
View Buyers Guide to Preservative Treated Wood
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